Studio Design

The Studios at Acton Academy Champions are flexible spaces for work, learning, and play. Each Studio is a tight-knit community of mixed-age learners who support each other and collaborate daily. This environment fosters a culture of respect and much of the character development that occurs here.

We replaced external motivators like high-stakes test scores and grades with an intrinsic growth mindset, so our students are motivated to work hard and have fun. Respect is the foundation for every other skill we learn at Acton Academy Champions. We respect our time, our fellow learners, our space, and our materials. The students work together to create rules for the space. Some areas might be off limits for play, while others are more flexible. Ultimately, the students come together to agree to those ground rules and promises—all based on a key promise to not distract themselves or each other during times of work.

Spark Studio
(opening Fall 2020)

Ages 4-6

Grow a unique, curious and independent spirit
We believe young children are capable of learning necessary skills like reading and mathematical reasoning at their own pace and in their own way. We create an environment in which children are free to explore and play, allowing their own curiosity to be the spark that ignites learning. Along the way, they also develop vital character traits and social skills like kindness, empathy, honesty, critical thinking, the satisfaction of performing hard work, responsibility, and joy in learning. Inspired by Montessori principles and Socratic teaching methods, our Spark Studio is a holistic environment that aims to stimulate children's minds, spirits, and bodies as they figure out the world around them and their place in it.

Elementary Studio

Ages 7-11

Develop a deep love of learning and kindness in relationships with others
In our Elementary School Studio we lay the foundation for the joy of learning as we encourage our young heroes to find their life’s calling and tap into their unique genius. Our well-balanced educational experience ignites curiosity, creativity, and the ability to ask good questions.

Middle School Studio

Ages 11-14

Work truly hard, develop real-world skills and adventure into the real world
We believe each of our students will find a passion — something they love and have a gift to do – finding and pursuing this gift we call the Hero’s Journey. Our mission is to equip our students with the skills and tools they will need to find and pursue their life’s purpose. During the transformative Middle School years, we inspire our young people to develop independent thinking, strong friendships, leadership skills, and pursue their work with integrity.

Launchpad Studio

Ages 14-18

Discover a next step in your Hero's Journey so you launch out of high school with a vision and a calling that could change the world
We plan to launch our High School Studio – Launchpad – in Fall of 2021, as founding students from the lower studios mature to build this fast-paced work environment. Launchpad students get ready for real-world success by gaining valuable skills, mastering them through apprenticeships, and launching real startups, businesses, and projects. Students surround themselves with mentor entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, and heroes in the field they're passionate about. In this Studio, students get to hone their skills and talents while building a portfolio that proves what they can do.
"I would never have believed children could learn so much from each other – until I saw it with my own eyes. The lessons of self management and self governance have prepared our fifth-grade son to be a lifelong learner.”

Take a virtual tour of an Acton Academy studio